One idea that I often hear, especially from people my own age, is the statement “I couldn’t afford to own a home, whether due to the down-payment, or due to the amount of monthly payment.
For many, the prospect of owning that first home can be rather daunting. But is owning a home really more expensive than renting one? Let’s take a look at some comparisons.
Home Value Mortgage per month Rent per month
$150,000 (condo) $1023 $1150
$250,000 (house) $1500 $1600
(Both mortgage values were calculated using 3.5% down at a 3.375% fixed interest rate)
We can see in a side by side comparison that renting isn’t necessarily cheaper than owning a home, in this case, both the condo and the house were slightly cheaper to own than to rent. While this isn’t always the case, there are plenty of benefits to actually owning a home, such as consistently growing equity and value.
If owning a home is something that you are interested in, contact a mortgage broker, as they can point out price ranges in the area, present options, and outline the steps needed to be taken to actually accomplish the goal of moving into a home.