Contact us today to see what your options are. We’ll give you a free analysis, without the need for personal information. Give us a call at 801-223-7060 to talk with us now, or click the button above to set up a time to call you back.
The average Credit Card Interest rate is 15.03% vs a mortgage interest rate of 3.625%.
The minimum payment for $15,000 in Credit Cards is $263. The mortgage payment for that $15,000 is only $74!
You will pay 65% less interest by paying your Credit Cards off with a mortgage, vs just making the Minimum Payments.
Evergreen Mortgage can lower your payments AND pay those cards off for good!
Credit Cards are quintessentially American, and while they have their time and place, many of us Utahns find ourselves with more Credit Card debt than we planned, making monthly payments that are much more than we want.
Whether you went a little “nuts” at Christmas, or are just carrying over some balances that won’t seem to go away, consider wiping those balances out once and for all with a mortgage refinance.
Home values in Utah have reached record levels while interest rates are still historically low. Put that equity to work!
Contact us today to see what your options are. We’ll give you a free analysis, without the need for personal information.